Sometimes we hit a rut in our journey but don’t see it or refuse to acknowledge it. We get away with it because we may be surrounded by “yes people” who are afraid to rock the boat by telling us the truth. When this happens, we need someone brave enough to give us a good kick in the butt to set us right. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about the truth contract and what it means in our relationships. They share that we can only kick butts when we have a strong truth contract with someone and can’t just go around kicking everyone’s butts. They also share that when we get a kick in the butt, it is from someone concerned that our current actions will not get us the results we want. They also mention that when we hire a coach, we literally give someone the right to kick our butts when needed.
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Show notes:
[1:32] 2022 Year-end review with a client
[4:43] We might be surrounding ourselves with “Yes people”
[7:22] Subconscious truth contract
[11:37] Derek Smith shares his experience with Group Coaching and how it can change your life too! To learn more, check out
[12:13] Not everyone wants the truth
[13:31] Make sure you lead by example
[18:22] Understand the truth contract
[21:45] Outro