Chat_74 - Synonymous with Sovereignty, with John Carvalho

Chat_74 - Synonymous with Sovereignty, with John Carvalho

Bitcoin Audible

Today we bring John Carvalho back on to talk about Bitkit and the release of Synonym's first major product in the BitKit wallet and Slashtags. Re-Decentralizing the internet with serverless identities, default encryption, and where your Bitcoin seed is the key to your online kingdom. The first lego blocks of a potentially massive ecosystem. Download the Bitkit wallet in beta to check out slashtags & their intuitive wallet experience, as well as the other links below to explore more of what is possible in a P2P future that could alter our relationship with the networks that connect us.

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Check out the links mentioned in the episode of all the tools that are building the foundation of this new ecosystem:

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Bitcoin Audible • Chat_74 - Synonymous with Sovereignty, with John Carvalho • Listen on Fountain