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I'm joined by the incredible paranormal investigators Jackie, Renee, Nick, and newcomer Troy Find exspiravitparanormal on:
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They recount their spine-chilling adventures at the infamous Sally House and Villisca Axe Murder House. From eerie EVPs to unsettling feelings of being watched, this episode is packed with hair-raising tales that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Topics Covered:
- Introduction of the team and their recent paranormal investigation trip
- The history and hauntings of the Sally House
- Analyzing a mysterious EVP captured at the Sally House
- The Villisca Axe Murder House: history, theories, and personal experiences
- The emotional and physical toll of paranormal investigations
- Future plans and upcoming investigations
Join us as we dive deep into these haunted locations and uncover the mysteries that lie within. Don't miss out on these gripping stories and valuable insights from our favorite paranormal team.
00:00 </Back by popular demand, some of my favorite paranormal investigators are back
01:11 </Troy says the Lizzie Borden house did very well
04:56 </Jackie Wake has been trying to find a group to do paranormal investigations
09:47 </Sally house was very unassuming. It wasn't what I was expecting
11:30 </Sally House has been called the most verified, viable hauntings
14:42 </Did anybody feel weird or strange or nauseous when they walked into Sally house
17:28 </So let's start with the layout of the house. When I've seen it on tv, it looks like my grandma's house
21:35 </What kind of old house doesn't have an old basement and old steps
25:23 </Nick left an audio recorder up in the bedroom when we left for dinner
29:46 </There's nothing unusual between when we leave and when we return
37:49 </Troy: They believe a demon is in Sally's house
40:40 </My wife and I woke to what sounded like a woman crying that night
43:10 </Renee: Something about Sally house just doesn't compute. It doesn't make any sense
47:55 </Don't investigate your own house on an investigation, experts say
49:24 </So, let's go to someone very close to my heart
52:19 </My first solo was at the Villisca axe murder house
55:42 </There are several people who say they saw the axe murderer in the attic
59:58 </The Villisca house is very hard for paranormal investigators
01:03:15 </Would you do it again? Sally house. Yes. No. Um, but no. I would do that again. So, before we wrap
01:03:57 </What were those? We want to tell you something that we experienced in Missouri
01:04:52 </You're going back to Whitehill at the end of August for Halloween investigation
01:06:25 </In October, I've been getting paranormal investigators together to do something live
01:10:48 </Well, again, thank you so much, Troy. I truly appreciate this podcast