In this week’s Q&A, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros respond to the questions that were sent in during the live podcast episode #967 - Who MUST You Become To Accomplish Your Dreams? They answer questions about finding the balance between external and internal results, working past subconscious dislikes, figuring out where to start achieving your dreams, and more.
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Show notes:
[1:06] How can we find the balance between external and internal results?
[5:53] How do you work past the subconscious dislikes that are holding you back from your true potential?
[9:53] Alex Taylor, the owner of Shoreline Shooter Productions based out of Halifax, Nova Scotia, is pleasantly satisfied with Alan’s coaching services
[11:33] Is it possible that achieving one’s dream can start from an inside-out approach as opposed to the outside-in that you spoke about?
[14:38] What is more important in the pursuit of your dreams: the process or the why behind it?
[18:34] Take advantage of the free course that’s readily available from the NLU website
[19:09] Next Level Hope Foundation is raising money to create a fun, half-day event for 20 boys. To learn more about it, click here:
[20:53] Outro
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