If you’ve listened to this week’s live podcast, Having Difficult Conversations, then you’re in luck. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros answer questions from that live podcast. They respond to questions about being on the giving and the taking side of difficult conversations. They share what they know on how to deal with people during such conversations and how to get only good results.
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Show notes:
[1:28] What to do when the person you’ve had a conversation with doesn’t change
[6:53] How do you set the stage to have a difficult conversation?
[10:37] Branden Lowe, an NLU team member, and podcast host, shares his experience being coached by Kevin and Alan
[11:48] How to respond to a difficult conversation with someone whose opinion I don’t respect
[17:34] How to express your truth to someone who can’t necessarily handle it?
[23:59] Outro