16/02/2020 | #AGAIN | How Much Is Too Much? | Sarah Auger | Bournville

16/02/2020 | #AGAIN | How Much Is Too Much? | Sarah Auger | Bournville

Riverside Church, Birmingham, UK

Title: How Much Is Too Much?
By: Sarah Auger
Bible Reading: Acts Chapter 4, verses 32-37
Recorded: Sunday 16/02/2020 at our Bournville Gathering.

Description: Part of our teaching series called '#AGAIN' looking at the early chapters in the book of Acts in the Bible. Our hope and prayer as we explore these studies together is that God would begin to awaken us to what he is doing and will do again. Maybe, just maybe, we might dare to see extraordinary things happen among us!

How Much Is Too Much?
Video - https://vimeo.com/391244485
Imagine that one day you receive a large inheritance from a long-lost uncle. What would you do with it? Your immediate answer can be quite telling! Yes, sure, we know we’re supposed to want to give it away...but so often we immediately think of things we would buy. It’s almost as if money and possessions have a greater hold on us than we dare to admit. In the 16th Century, the German priest Martin Luther described how people go through 3 different conversion experiences in their journey of faith in Jesus - their heads, their hearts...and their wallets! What he meant was that, so often, the way we use our money can be the most challenging aspect of our lives (and not just because we wish we had more of it!). For the first followers of Jesus, they had experienced such radical generosity from God that it totally changed how generous they were with each other. So much so, that there was ‘no needy person among them’. Now, that is radical generosity!

To find out more about Riverside Church please visit: https://riverside-church.org.uk/


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