#1248 - Asking for Help Doesn't Make You Weak

#1248 - Asking for Help Doesn't Make You Weak

Next Level University

In today’s episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about how it can be so easy to feel like asking for help makes you weak. You often think that you should be able to solve everything on your own. But in reality, that's just not true. Asking for help is not something to be ashamed of and doesn't make you weak - it’s actually a sign of strength! It means you recognize when something is too hard or too big for you to handle alone, and it takes courage to admit it. Life can be difficult, and asking for help doesn’t make you any less capable or independent.

Link mentioned:
Next Level Live on April 1, 2023, will take your life to the next level -
Next Level U Book Club -

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Alan: @alazaros88

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Kevin: www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-palmieri
Alan: www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc

Email 💬

Show notes:
[1:47] Kevin shares a time when he asked for help
[4:58] You wait too long before asking for help
[8:16] Your ego wants to be seen as able to do it without help
[9:28] Alan shares a time when he asked for help
[12:00] You don't have to be ashamed to ask for help
[13:00] Tim Melanson, the host of Work at Home RockStar Podcast and Founder of Creative Crew Agency, talks about his coaching experience with Alan Lazaros
[14:44] Admitting you need help
[17:07] There are many strategies on how to ask for help
[21:52] Outro

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