I am an Attorney, an Intuitive Psychic Medium, and a Podcaster. Since August 12, 2004, I have witnessed a world full of amazing spirituality! When my grandfather passed away from a stroke it opened my intuitive abilities. The night of my grandfather's death, I first witnessed orbs of light in my hotel room in Wisconsin during a work trip right after learning about my grandfather’s stroke a few days earlier.
My mom called at 8:07 p.m. to inform me of my grandfather’s passing. As soon as we hung up the phone, I “felt” the orbs of light with all my senses as well as an amazing wave of unconditional love that washed over me. I realized that this amazing feeling was my grandfather's spirit visiting me. He communicated to me with his energy and told me to get something to eat, not to worry about him at all, to never cry or mourn for him, and that he will always be with me.
And that was the first time I realized that I was on a special journey of self-discovery as a psychic medium and that I would have to view through my lens as a legal practitioner.
For over a decade, I kept this information private and only read for close friends or family. I would consult psychics every now and then. In 2007, I consulted a psychic who predicted that I’d have my own radio show and I laughed at him at the time since I had no formal training to be on the radio.
He responded, “You will be on the radio, mark my words, and you will do it for something that isn’t about being a lawyer.” At a wedding in northern Georgia, I met someone who set me on my current path. My best friend Megan persuaded me to open my own psychic business and with her amazing support and guidance I started offering readings for the first time in January 2017 during evenings and weekends around my law practice.
In March 2018, I started my own podcast and have enjoyed that platform very much as a means of self-expression and creativity which I never imagined existed within me. I initially promoted spiritual concepts and enjoyed the scope of my show as it related to spirituality, mind body spirit topics, life after death, UFOs, and the unexplained.
When George Floyd was murdered last year, I was horrified like most of the world, and was guided by my spirit guides to march peacefully for social justice. I participated in five local peaceful marches in Tampa, FL and from this experience I asked myself “What more can I do beyond protest and marching?”
And when I realized at that moment that I had my own platform I decided to dedicate the show to increasing awareness of issues including social justice reform, BLM, environmental justice, spirituality, and enabling paradigm shifts.
As a guest, I’d be happy to discuss the fact that I predicted that I had cancer in my body six months before my actual medical diagnosis of Stage One Kidney Cancer in August 2018. I’d also be happy to discuss a variety of other topics like synchronicity, life after death, meditation, the power of forgiving others, losing 50 pounds following my surgery and maintaining this weight loss after lifestyle changes, a near death experience that I had in November 2018 while under anesthesia for a colonoscopy procedure, as well as sharing details of many other spiritual experiences over the years.
We are all capable of major change and paradigm shifts in our lives…but we must be open and possess the courage and fortitude to leave our comfort zones to experience them.
In May 2022, our show, The Social Psychic Radio Show was selected by The Academy of Interactive & Visual Arts as a 2022 Communicator Award Winner in the following two categories : (1) Winner for "Individual Episodes: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion" and (2) Winner for "Individual Episodes: Religion & Spirituality."
Jason's website: www.thesocialpsychic.com
podcast website: www.dsocialpsychicradio.com
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