@Peruvian_bull - The Dollar End Game Approaches. #331

@Peruvian_bull - The Dollar End Game Approaches. #331

Once Bitten! A Bitcoin Podcast.

BTC $ 30,413

Block Height 785,511

Today's guest on the show is a new voice in the #bitcoin space @Peruvian_bull who has burst onto the scene with some fire Twitter Threads and a book called https://thedollarendgame.com/

How did @Peruvian_bull discover #bitcoin and what life experiences primed him to understand its importance?

What does @Peruvian_bull do for his fiat day job and how is that difficult to navigate as a #Bitcoin pleb?

What was the drive for @Peruvian_bull to write a book?

You can watch/listen to the Dollar End Game book by following the YT Channel of @peruvian_Bull where he has some excellent movies and narration.


Thank you to @Peruvian_bull for stepping out of the shadows and into the Orange Light to help educate as many people as possible about Money and #bitcoin


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Once Bitten! A Bitcoin Podcast. • @Peruvian_bull - The Dollar End Game Approaches. #331 • Listen on Fountain