In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about the concept of personal growth and the inherent fear of change that many of us grapple with. They discuss challenging our notions of comfort and happiness, emphasizing the paradoxical fear of staying the same versus the fear of change. They discuss practical strategies to overcome the fear of change and emphasize the importance of surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals on the same growth path. There's a potent power in collective growth, and it can transform your life. They also talk about personal growth being a dual nature – being enough while simultaneously not being sufficient to reach a goal.
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Show notes:
[2:20] Staying the same is harder than change
[6:49] You need to improve to achieve your goals
[14:02] Chad shares how Next Level Podcast Solutions transformed his podcast and provided invaluable assistance along the way
[14:37] Uncertain growth vs. certain stagnation
[18:02] Responsibility to grow
[25:33] Outro