Title: I Feel So Alone
By: Tim Chilvers
Bible Reading: Book of Ecclesiastes (Chapter 4, verses 7-12)
Recorded: Sunday 07/06/2020 (Online Service)
Beyond Lockdown: Opening Up To Life - I Feel So Alone
In a recent book, the former Surgeon-General of USA highlights the reality that loneliness is the ‘dark thread’ running through so many of the health challenges of our time. And, these last few months in lockdown have only added to our feelings of dis-connection. Of course, we all know that loneliness isn’t the same as alone-ness, but we can all identify with the ache of being lonely. Is there anywhere we can go to find connection in our physically distanced world?
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Note: While this talk is based on the above listed sections of the Bible, the actual bible readings used during our services may sometimes change.