Thy Kingdom Come.

Thy Kingdom Come.

Refinery Life Radio

Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Australia.

The theme for the coming Sunday mornings is The Master’s Recipe for effective Praying.

Today we are talking about, Thy Kingdom Come.

The gospel of Matthew presents Jesus is the King of the Jews.

It is truly the Gospel of the kingdom.

Jesus’ whole Sermon on the Mount is to be seen in this relationship.

In the midst of this sermon, our Lord gave his disciples a model prayer, the second petition of which is “Thy kingdom come.”

“Thy” calls our attention to the nature of the kingdom, it is the kingdom that belongs to and comes from God.

It is to the heavenly father that we pray, “Thy kingdom come.”

The kingdom of God is the dynamic reign of God is king.

Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God existing in both the present and the future.

He affirmed to his disciples, the kingdom of God is within or among you.

Whether do you understand the preposition “within" to mean that the Kingdom is present in their hearts or present in the midst in the person of the King of heaven makes little difference.

Jesus surely taught that the kingdom of God come to earth in His ministry.

He pointed his critics to his miracles as a sign that the kingdom of God was near at hand.

But Jesus also spoke of the kingdom of God is something in the future, as the coming kingdom.

To which aspect of the kingdom then does this prayer relate?

Surely it must include both aspects.

Let us see how it might relate to our prayers.

Welcome to The Refinery.

The gospel of Matthew presents Jesus is the King of the Jews.

It is truly the Gospel of the kingdom.

Jesus’ whole Sermon on the Mount is to be seen in this relationship.

In the midst of this sermon, our Lord gave his disciples a model prayer, the second petition of which is “Thy kingdom come.”

“Thy” calls our attention to the nature of the kingdom, it is the kingdom that belongs to and comes from God.

It is to the heavenly father that we pray, “Thy kingdom come.”

The kingdom of God is the dynamic reign of God is king.

Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God existing in both the present and the future.

He affirmed to his disciples, the kingdom of God is within or among you.

Whether do you understand the preposition “within" to mean that the Kingdom is present in their hearts or present in the midst in the person of the King of heaven makes little difference.

Jesus surely taught that the kingdom of God come to earth in His ministry.

He pointed his critics to his miracles as a sign that the kingdom of God was near at hand.

But Jesus also spoke of the kingdom of God is something in the future, as the coming kingdom.

To which aspect of the kingdom then does this prayer relate?

Surely it must include both aspects.

Let us see how it might relate to our prayers.

Until next time

Stay in the Blessings


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