Core values are the fundamental beliefs you have about your life. They guide your behaviors, decisions, and actions. Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros share how your core values run your life. Living your values means being the most authentic version of yourself in all aspects of your life. Not just at work or with your family, but in all areas that matter to you. Just as your purpose is a compass leading you back into alignment with who you’re meant to be, your values guide you back to who you truly are.
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Show notes:
[1:36] You want more of something because it is your core value
[6:15] You are not going to be the most fulfilled version of yourself without giving the proper amount of time, energy, and effort to your core values
[9:59] Here’s a quick shout out from one of our mentees, Gabby Demac
[15:02] You need to be in alignment with who you want to be
[18:24] Join the Next Level Nation private Facebook group
[19:09] Join the most transformational weekend of your life—Next Level Retreat
[20:37] Outro