Fulfillment is a feeling of happiness and satisfaction. It’s’ also the completion of something, like the fulfillment of a promise. In today’s Live Podcast, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about how to create the most fulfilling life. They discuss the fulfillment framework, the basic human needs, and how exactly to optimize your life for fulfillment. If you’re looking for fulfillment in your life, listen in and learn about Kevin and Alan’s holistic approach to fulfillment.
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Show notes:
[1:25] Trading passion for profit vs. making your passion profitable
[4:57] The fulfillment framework
[10:03] Focusing on improving yourself can get you closer to fulfillment
[13:06] Lifestyle design
[18:54] The six basic human needs
[23:53] High School English teacher Johanna Annunziata has this to say about Alan and Kevin’s speech
[24:57] Doing deeply meaningful work that matters
[29:12] Your environment and going against the grain
[31:51] Can you be fulfilled without growth?
[35:07] The pyramid of fulfillment
[43:04] Outro