Haunted Paws and Spirit Claws: Author Rob Gutro's Journey into the Afterlife of Pets

Haunted Paws and Spirit Claws: Author Rob Gutro's Journey into the Afterlife of Pets

Dairyland Frights

Welcome to another captivating episode of Dairyland Frights, the paranormal podcast that explores all things spooky, creepy, and mysterious in the Midwest and beyond. In this episode, we are thrilled to welcome Rob Gutro, a best-selling author, paranormal investigator, and medium with Inspired Ghost Tracking of Maryland. Join us as Rob shares his profound experiences with haunted pets and spirits, offering a unique perspective on the afterlife and the bonds we share with our beloved pets.

Topics Covered:

- Rob Gutro's journey into the paranormal and his early experiences

- The inspiration behind Rob's work and his bestselling books, "Pets in the Afterlife"

- Understanding the difference between ghosts and spirits and their energy

- The significance of pets in the afterlife and how they communicate

- Rob's encounters with ghost pets and their messages

- The role of energy in paranormal phenomena and how it manifests

- Insights into poltergeists and their connection to human emotions

- The importance of respecting and understanding spirits during investigations

- Rob's experiences with portals and haunted locations in the U.S. and Europe

- Advice for those grieving the loss of a pet and recognizing signs from the beyond


Follow Rob Gutro on his journey to uncover the mysteries of the afterlife and connect with the spirits of our cherished pets. For more information on Rob's events and books, visit [Rob Gutro's Website](http://www.robgutro.com).


Stay spooky, my friends!


00:00 - Dairyland Frights is a paranormal podcast that covers everything spooky

02:16 - What got you interested in the paranormal and, um, talk about that

03:10 - Rob has written several books on haunted pets and ghosts

05:02 - Was that your first paranormal experience with your grandpa

10:10 - One of the things I always say to paranormal investigators is energy does not disappear

12:30 - Rob: 99% of our pets cross over when they die

15:38 - When your puppy passed, was that inspiration for writing your book

17:00 - Rob: What are you trying to accomplish with your books

19:01 - Rob says earthbound ghosts absorb negative emotional energy, too

21:16 - Poltergeist is energy from living people that simulate ghostly activity

24:53 - Typically the spirits of our pets behave the same way they did in life

26:24 - People sometimes say pets don't have souls. And that's stupid

32:06 - All of my dogs have communicated in some way or another

33:39 - John, I do all my readings by email. It requires a picture of the pet

37:59 - Black cats are considered unlucky, and black dogs are not considered lucky

40:02 - As a scientist, I have a different take on demons than many others

45:09 - Why do you think aliens have never abducted your dog

46:29 - If we move our pet passes away in our first residence, our pet will find us

50:17 - Have you ever had human spirits help your pet spirits cross over

52:10 - Rob: Can pets reincarnate? People often ask me that question

56:00 - You have several ghost travel books available. Could they be used when traveling

58:06 - In Europe, especially Ireland, there are portals. Yeah. One of the biggest things they said

59:54 - One of the biggest areas in England is the Tower of London

01:01:44 - There was a lot of residual energy in Ireland, um,

01:03:00 - Do you think anyone can have the medium ability? I think we all do

01:08:10 - When pets pass away, sometimes they will share their how they passed away

Rob Gutro
[Rob Gutro's Website](https://www.robgutro.com)


Pets and the Afterlife Book Series
[Amazon Link](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Pets+in+the+Afterlife+Rob+Gutro)


Inspired Ghost Tracking
[Inspired Ghost Tracking Website](https://www.inspiredghosttracking.com)


Beantown Medium
[Ruthie Larkin's Website](https://www.beantownmedium.com)


The Bird Cage Theatre
[Bird Cage Theatre Website](https://www.thebirdcagetheatre.com)


Tower of London
[Historic Royal Palaces](https://www.hrp.org.uk/tower-of-london/)


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Dairyland Frights • Haunted Paws and Spirit Claws: Author Rob Gutro's Journey into the Afterlife of Pets • Listen on Fountain