#1059 - Why It's Important To "Treat Yourself" Sometimes

#1059 - Why It's Important To "Treat Yourself" Sometimes

Next Level University

Looking after others should be important in your life, but taking care of yourself should be your main priority. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about the importance of treating yourself sometimes. Whether it’s buying something for yourself, going on a vacation, or taking a week off from work – whatever it means to you. When we give ourselves treats, we feel happy, indulged, and contented, boosting our self-esteem and motivating us to pursue our goals.


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Show notes:
[1:35] Emotionalizing the success you want inspires you to believe it’s possible
[13:50] You reverse engineer your life for future success
[16:40] Roberta Ndela sharing her group coaching experience
[24:40] Figure out what treating yourself means to you
[25:57] Reach out to Kevin and Alan for a free call
[26:48] Next Level Podcast Solutions: https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/next-level-podcast-solutions/
[29:50] Outro


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