The Iteration Calculation

The Iteration Calculation

In Darkness Vast

This one has a sobering realisation about just how many times the crew have completed the same two days, a startling revelation about Chaser of Grove's past, and a profound struggle for a shimmering relic... With bonus wristwatch alarms, muffled interrogations and blast-proof prison cells; it can only be In Darkness Vast, Episode X. ``For the life of me, I can't remember a single choice I ever made to go anywhere'' --- Doom-Buggy. There are only TWO episodes left; it would be foolish to stop now. In Darkness Vast, the Sci-Fi serial, features John McCarthy, Lucie Ryan Donnelly, Sara-Jane Power, Donnchadh O Conaill and Ciaran Fitzpatrick. Get the latest In Darkness Vast episode by subscribing. Visit for updates, newsletter sign-ups, full credits and to register on our stats gathering graph. Let us know what you think about In Darkness Vast, the Sci-Fi serial, by electronic means. Continue to explain the plots and intrigues of In Darkness Vast in the days and weeks ahead. Soon there will be a finale... © Hammergrin, 2016.


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