Turning Off the Flare: How Mining Saves The Planet

Turning Off the Flare: How Mining Saves The Planet

The Build-a-Mine Podcast

In this episode of The Build-a-Mine Podcast Host Trevor dives deep into the innovative world of oil and gas flare mitigation and its intersection with Bitcoin mining. Joined by Paul, the CEO and co-founder of Verde Mining, the discussion explores the critical issues surrounding flare gas in the Permian Basin and how Bitcoin mining can provide a sustainable solution. Paul: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-cockerham Verde Mining: X - https://x.com/verdemining LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/verde-mining Website - https://verdemining.com/ 00:00 - 03:06) Intro (03:06 - 05:01) Paul's Background and Bitcoin Origin Story (05:01 - 06:10) Challenges in the Oil and Gas Industry (06:10 - 09:30) The Start of Verde Mining and Initial Projects (09:30 - 12:23) The Problem of Flare Gas and Its Solutions (12:23 - 20:02) Explanation of Natural Gas Production and Flare Gas Issues (20:02 - 27:07) The Importance of Mitigating Methane Emissions (27:07 - 28:01) Current Status of Verde Mining (28:01 - 30:00) Scaling Challenges and Future Plans (30:00 - 34:29) Education and Training for Operators (34:29 - 39:09) The Importance of Incentives in Bitcoin and Oil & Gas (39:09 - 41:19) Educational Modules and Outreach Efforts (41:19 - 46:00) Training Course Details and Operator Engagement (46:00 - 49:50) Contact Information and Closing Thoughts (49:50 - 57:33) Paul's Perspective on Bitcoin and Its Impact (57:33 - 59:18) Closing Remarks and Episode Wrap-up Bitcoin Mining World - https://bitcoinminingworld.com/ MasterMINED - https://bitcoin.mastermined.club/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Trevor's X - https://x.com/TrevorBello Trevors LinkedIn - / trevor-bello-1639ab301 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Trevors Nostr - TrevorBello@satlantis.io Trevors Email - Trevor@bitcoinminingworld.com Build-a-Mine X - https://x.com/BuildaMinePod Build-a-Mine Nostr - BAM@primal.net ⁠ Bitcoin Mining World and The Build-a-Mine Podcast are committed to empowering the next generation of Bitcoin miners. Our educational content is thoughtfully crafted to provide a solid foundational framework, equipping you with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully build your own Bitcoin mining operation. By purchasing equipment and infrastructure from Bitcoin Mining World, you directly support the creation of additional content and educational programs, driving the decentralization of Bitcoin and expanding the global mining ecosystem.


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