#1464 - The Hardest Thing To Learn About Love…

#1464 - The Hardest Thing To Learn About Love…

Next Level University

Love is phenomenal and one of the most powerful emotions we experience. However, love alone can't always guarantee a successful relationship. Today, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about the reality that love can't always guarantee a successful relationship. Relationships require nurturing from both partners. It's not just about the love you feel for each other but also about the work you both put in to maintain and strengthen the bond. They also talk about how pain often leads to transformation and the importance of making hard decisions when necessary. They also discuss that everyone deserves a partner willing to match their efforts and align with their growth.

Links mentioned:
Alan's Peak Performance Coaching: https://calendly.com/alanlazaros/60-minute-call-with-alan 
Email: Kevin@nextleveluniverse.com and/or Alan@nextleveluniverse.com


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Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/
Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/

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Show notes: 
[3:38] Love doesn't fix all problems
[7:40] Three buckets where couples belong
[12:47] Bianca, the co-founder and COO of Evolve Ventures, talks about Alan's unwavering support as her coach and the profound impact of mentorship on her life
[13:58] There's no guarantee
[17:11] Incompatible
[19:56] Letting go
[26:19] Outro

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