#387 - Overcoming Your Limiting Beliefs LIVE Mastermind
Have you been in a situation where you badly want something, but you’re uncomfortable or you think you can’t do it? You feel stuck or undermotivated because you think that you won’t succeed? That’s your limiting belief and this is very detrimental to your personal growth and success. This is another fire mastermind, so we hope you stay tuned.
Key takeaways:
[0:31] Introduction
[2:30] Four steps to identify limiting beliefs
[05:16] The problem with limiting beliefs
[7:41] Turn your “I can’t” to “How can I…”
[10:00] Start with self-love and affirmations, then start looking for the “contrary” of your limiting belief
[14:08] “Everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its entire life believing that it’s stupid.”
[18:23] With anything that you want to do, you’ll suck at it at first
[23:11] Putting your head down to be good at something
[23:51] When you avoid pain and failure, you are avoiding your chance to succeed
[27:30] Famous people are famous because they got good at one thing
[28:07] Get rid of your limiting belief if you want to be world-class
[32:08] Your limiting belief is a result of the types of people around you; those who don’t believe in you
[34:00] Don’t listen to naysayers; don’t let their noise silence your voice
[39:05] Mastermind class shares some of their limiting beliefs
[49:02] Lifehack!
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