EP17 – Bonnitta Roy on Process Thinking and Complexity

EP17 – Bonnitta Roy on Process Thinking and Complexity

The Jim Rutt Show

Bonnitta Roy teaches insight practices for individuals who are developing meta-cognitive skills, and hosts collective insight retreats for groups interested in breaking away from limiting patterns of thought. She teaches a masters course in consciousness studies and transpersonal psychology at the Graduate Institute. Her teaching highlights the embodied, affective and perceptual aspects of the core self, and the non-egoic potentials from which subtle sensing, intuition and insight emerge.

Through her company, APP-AI, Bonnitta is developing applications that can visualize changing patterns as teams work through complex problems. Her research shows how simple but powerful protocols that underlie these patterns can be used to represent various dispositional states of human systems. Bonnitta is the author of the popular Medium publication Our Future at Work. She is an associate editor of Integral Review where you can also find her articles on process approaches to consciousness, perception, and metaphysics.

Introduction to Bonnitta Roy and Process Thinking 10 minutes
Consciousness, Causality + Complexity 7 minutes
Process Philosophy, Course Graining + Duration 23 minutes
Numinous Causality + The Evolution of the Universe 18 minutes
Language, Mycorrhizae + Natural Farming Techniques 11 minutes
Collapse, Migration + Game B 27 minutes

Transcripts for The Jim Rutt Show featuring Bonnitta Roy

Keynames for EP17:
Jim Rutt, Santa Fe Institute, Bonnitta Roy, Integral Review, Our Future at Work, Alfred North Whitehead, David Ray Griffin, Charles Hartshorne, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Pierre-Simon Laplace, Edward Lorenz, Stephen J. Gould, Stuart Kauffman, Harold J. Morowitz, "The Origin and Nature of Life on Earth", Lee Smolin, Peter N. Peregrine, David Krakauer, Daniel Schmachtenberger, Peter Byck, "One Hundred Thousand Beating Hearts", Joel Salatin, Polyface Farm, Jared Diamond, Thomas Malthus, Carl Friedrich Gauss, Mark Blyth, Christopher Alexander, Robin Dunbar, Jordan Hall, Jordan Greenhall

Keywords for EP17:
Jim Rutt, Bonnitta Roy, complexity science, process thinking, insight practices, consciousness, metaphysics, religion, complex philosophy, process philosophy, reification, Newtonian physics, model building, pattern recognition, causality, complexity, organizational design, deterministic chaos, determinism, Lorenz attractor, three-body problem, emergence, evolution, developmental fields, course graining, duration, cosmology, astrophysics, Big Bang, temporal vs. spatial, network theory, functional relationships, DNA, RNA, evolutionary computation, panspermea, numinous causality, evolution of the universe, energy flux, evolution of language, Cambrian explosion, evolution of cognition, evolution of consciousness, Singularity, mycorrhizae, emergent patterns, stack of dependencies, population growth, population decline, Malthusian barrier, Gaussian function, Black Death, coherence, decoherence, migration, climate change, decomposability, living structure, pattern language, hunter gatherer, Dunbar number, fissioning, Game B, fake needs, conviviality, design for action


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