Momo Legendary Missouri Cryptid with Natasha Cryptids, Creeps, and Conspiracies

Momo Legendary Missouri Cryptid with Natasha Cryptids, Creeps, and Conspiracies

Dairyland Frights

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This time, we bring you a fascinating guest, Natasha from Cryptids, Creeps, and Conspiracy. Together, we dive into the eerie world of cryptids, paranormal experiences, and spine-tingling conspiracies that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Topics Covered

Introduction to Natasha and her podcast journey

Personal experiences with paranormal phenomena and cryptids

Exploring the Midwest's lesser-known cryptids, including Momo, the Missouri Monster

Comparing Momo to Bigfoot and other famous cryptids

Discussing the evolution of monster legends in popular culture

Natasha's unique paranormal abilities and experiences

Upcoming events and projects from Natasha, including her merch and live shows


 Natasha's Podcast: Cryptids, Creeps, and Conspiracy

 Momo, the Missouri Monster: Wikipedia

Cryptid Con: Cryptid Con Official Website


  • 00:00 - Dairyland Frights covers everything spooky, creepy, and mysterious in the Midwest

  • 04:09 - Natasha Carrey covers cryptids, creeps, and conspiracy on her podcast

  • 10:40 - I sometimes have dreams where someone dies or I'm pregnant

  • 12:52 - Natasha says she knew she had a gap when she was a teenager

  • 16:49 - John says he encountered a demon when he was 15 years old

  • 21:29 - It was black except for two big sockets where I guess eyes could have been

  • 25:36 - One night, I woke up in my room and everything was black

  • 29:15 - Natasha: I noticed weird things around the house when my daughter was younger

  • 31:20 - Some people talk about having demons attached to them who are not hurting them

  • 36:10 - No matter where I go, this thing follows me

  • 37:07 - Natasha says paranormal activity happened while doing a podcast last year

  • 40:46 - Natasha: What if I told you about a cryptid similar to Bigfoot

  • 43:50 - Momo was first reported in July of 1971 in Missouri

  • 46:17 - Another reported Momo sighting in the seventies turned out to be a hoax

  • 52:33 - Seth Breedlove recently released Momo, the Missouri Monster

  • 54:58 - Breedlove says monster stories evolve with time matching where society is

  • 58:20 - Murray Breedlove says Louisiana, Missouri, tried to have momo festivals

  • 01:01:58 - Momo says it was a bear, but it could have been anything

  • 01:04:44 - Natasha: Who's the OG cryptid that you believe is real

  • 01:07:59 - Natasha: My favorite cryptid is the snaly gaster

  • 01:09:22 - Project Sunshine was grave robbing to test for nuclear side effects

  • 01:11:58 - Natasha: I'm working on some merch and a podcast collab

  • 01:17:26 - So we end every show this way. We say hi to our ghost and then we say goodbye

Follow Natasha on her spooky adventures and check out her podcast for more eerie and mysterious content. Stay tuned for more episodes that explore the unknown, the mystical, and the downright terrifying.

Stay spooky, my friends!


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Dairyland Frights • Momo Legendary Missouri Cryptid with Natasha Cryptids, Creeps, and Conspiracies • Listen on Fountain