See a Man About a Horse

See a Man About a Horse

Taskmaster: The People's Podcast

Pop on your favourite shoes because it's episode 9 of Taskmaster: The People's Podcast. In this episode Lou and Jack discuss Judi's devastating performance, the closest rivalry in Taskmaster history and Chris Ramsey's terrible tie break record. This week's Taskmaster Freak (TMF) is Lauren, who runs an Instagram No Context Taskmaster account. I'll give you some context, she's great!

If you want to share your Taskmaster obsession, whether it's talking about your favourite task, what you loved from the latest episode or that you've penned an ambitious thriller featuring Greg as an undercover cop with a cavalier attitude to the rules and Alex as the merciless leader of a spy ring, we're all ears. You can leave a voice note on the Taskering (this can't be still what we're going with) machine. The number is 07810 025570. Alternatively send us an email at the address below. Your time starts... NOW!

Watch Taskmaster every Thursday at 9pm on Channel 4.

Get in touch with Lou and Jack

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Taskmaster the Podcast is Produced by Ben Drayton for Avalon Television


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