Title: Meeting Our Needs
By: Tim Chilvers
Bible Reading: Book of John (Chapter 4, verses 1-26)
Recorded: Sunday 03/05/2020 (Online Service)
Longing For Hope: Meeting Our Needs
This is one of the most memorable encounters with Jesus in the gospels. It is a raw description of a mixed-up individual and the beautiful hope that Jesus offers. In a society of shame, fear and judgement we discover lasting hope and grace, regardless of who we are.
The heart of this encounter is Jesus unveiling what the needs of the unnamed Samaritan woman really are. It is easy to focus on our physical needs. But Jesus provides for a much deeper need. A desire to get our physical needs met is natural, but only ever a temporary thing. Jesus offers hope that truly lasts and truly meets our deeper needs. And, he does this without prejudice (over social hierarchies or acceptabilities - she is a woman, with ‘unacceptable’ living arrangements), or favouritism (she is a Samaritan woman, after all).
Perhaps this encounter points to two remarkable truths for us during these challenging days. Firstly, we all have deeper needs than just our physical well-being. Jesus doesn’t undermine these natural desires - he’s a man asking for a drink, after all! But, he knows that physical wellbeing is only ever temporary. So too for us today. Understandably, we long for an end to this horrible disease and the misery it is causing. But, it would be wise to remember that our deepest needs are not just physical. Maybe during this time we can turn to the one who offers ‘living water’ that truly lasts. And, secondly, Jesus reminds us that he knows everything about us and our real needs - and embraces us just the same. Again, at times like this it can be easy to presume that we ‘have to get our house in order’ to be at the front of the queue for rescue. As people ’compete’ for limited healthcare facilities, isn’t it wonderful to know that Jesus isn’t selective in who he gives this ‘living water’ too. The offer is available to all - just come and drink.
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Note: While this talk is based on the above listed sections of the Bible, the actual bible readings used during our services may sometimes change.