Experiencing a significant failure is probably one of the worst things to experience in life. Most people will do anything within their power to avoid failing, even if this means never attempting anything new. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about the importance of failing forward and learning the lessons. Despite the negative energy it comes with, failure has its positive side. Experiencing failure can teach you lessons that you wouldn’t have learned otherwise.
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Show notes:
[1:35] When you don’t try something, you’re failing by default
[10:17] If you're avoiding failure, you also won’t be able to create success
[13:46] Alex Taylor, the owner of Shoreline Shooter Productions based out of Halifax, Nova Scotia, is pleasantly satisfied with Alan’s coaching services
[18:47] It’s difficult to sustain success because there’s less improvement to make
[21:35] Process of elimination
[26:03] Outro