You might be experiencing a situation that isn’t working and wondering whether you should persevere a little longer. You might wonder whether more time will allow you to fix the problem or reach the goal. After all, people always say, “Never give up.” But how do you know when it’s time to give up on people, places, things, and ideas? Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and ALan Lazaros talk about it and share how to differentiate whether it’s time to move on or hold on just a little longer. Making the decision to give up might not be easy, but it will open the door to fulfilling and joyful life experiences. Letting go will set you on a path of learning, growth, and expansion.
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Show notes:
[1:33] When do we know it’s time to let go?
[6:20] Anomalies
[8:18] Trends
[10:09] Chad Osinga, the host of The Legend of You Podcast, shares his wonderful experience with Kevin and Next Level Podcast Solutions:
[11:27] Laws
[13:17] You can always look at it from different perspectives
[15:15] How do you transform these behaviors about you?
[17:59] Outro