Fitness, Stress, & Readiness: Understanding Your Triathlon Training

Fitness, Stress, & Readiness: Understanding Your Triathlon Training

The TriDot Triathlon Podcast

If you love data and metrics, you won’t want to miss this episode! TriDot founder and CEO, Jeff Booher, and TriDot Coach, John Mayfield, discuss Fitness, Stress, and Readiness (FSR). TriDot's optimization manages the fitness you are building, the training stress you are facing, and the performance readiness you are achieving so that you can perform at your best, at just the right time, on race day. Learn about the components of FSR and how to see the gains you're making, literally right there in the chart, through TriDot's Optimized Training.

Huge thanks to deltaG for partnering with us on this episode. To learn more about the performance boosting benefits of deltaG Ketones head to and use code TRIDOT20 for 20% off your order. On their site you can:

1. Learn more about fueling with deltaG ketone products.

2. Make a standalone purchase, or subscribe for ongoing deltaG ketone deliveries.

3. Book a FREE 15 minute video consultation with Brian, an expert on exogenous ketones, and deltaG in particular, to discuss your individual goals and best choice of deltaG drink to exceed those goals.


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The TriDot Triathlon Podcast • Fitness, Stress, & Readiness: Understanding Your Triathlon Training • Listen on Fountain