Reserve Deputy Sheriff Killed, Father Talks about his Death.

Reserve Deputy Sheriff Killed, Father Talks about his Death.

Law Enforcement Today: Crime and Trauma Stories

Reserve Deputy Sheriff Killed, Father Talks about his Death. His Son, A Reserve Deputy Was Killed In The Line Of Duty.

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Jim Whitehead talks about his Son, the extreme trauma of his L.O.D. death, how it impacted him and the family. And how it motivates him to help others.

Reserve Deputy Sheriff Mark Alan Whitehead and his partner Reserve Sergeant Scott Collins were killed when their patrol car was struck by a drunk driver. Jim Whitehead is our guest. Jim talks about his Son and what type of person he was. He also tells his experience of the death, from the notification to the huge impact on him and the family. Jim Whitehead discusses how the death of his son motivates him to help others in his volunteer work with Oregon Concerns Of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.).

Background song Hurricane is used with permission from the band Dark Horse Flyer.

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Law Enforcement Today: Crime and Trauma Stories • Reserve Deputy Sheriff Killed, Father Talks about his Death. • Listen on Fountain