Chaser of Bullen takes a mysterious glass sphere and hides it, mysteriously. A massive video archive is uncovered. EarthFrank says, `If we do enter that craft again, and I'm not sure we'll want to after seeing this, we'll enter it as different people, profoundly different.' Nothing is quite the same as it was an episode ago... It can only be IDV, Episode VIII. In Darkness Vast, the Sci-Fi serial, features Donnchadh O Conaill, Sara-Jane Power, Ciaran Fitzpatrick, John McCarthy and Lucie Ryan Donnelly. IDV Season One happens in headphones and speakers across the known world, largely thanks to the internet. To make sure your machine has IDV every time there's a new episode, SUBSCRIBE to Hammergrin on Soundcloud, Stitcher or iTunes. Visit for updates, newsletter sign-ups, full credits and to register on our stats gathering graph. There's a new blog up and running this week too, called Illuminating the Darkness. It has a feature on the credit music. Find it on Let us know what you think about In Darkness Vast, the Sci-Fi serial, on. Continue to explain the plots and intrigues of In Darkness Vast in the days and weeks ahead. It will be worth it. © Hammergrin, 2016.