EP10 David Krakauer: Complexity Science

EP10 David Krakauer: Complexity Science

The Jim Rutt Show

David Krakauer is President and William H. Miller Professor of Complex Systems at the Santa Fe Institute. David’s research focuses on the evolutionary history of information processing mechanisms in biology and culture. This includes genetic, neural, linguistic and cultural mechanisms. The research spans multiple levels of organization, seeking analogous patterns and principles in genetics, cell biology, microbiology and in organismal behavior and society.

Introduction to David Krakauer and the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) 5 minutes

Complexity, Reductionism, Emergence + Causality 15 minutes

Time, Entropy + Selection 7 minutes

Cutting Edge Complexity + Theory of Circuits 7 minutes

The Evolution of Intelligence and Stupidity 9 minutes

Order, Discipline, Policing + Trust 9 minutes

Effusive Memetics + Constitutions as Code 10 minutes

How Complexity Science has Changed the World 8 minutes

Transcripts for The Jim Rutt Show featuring David Krakauer

Keynames this Episode:
Jim Rutt, David Krakauer, Santa Fe Institute, SFI, Henri Poincaré, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Hendrik Lorentz, Dave Snowden, Stephen Wolfram, Sherlock Holmes, D.H. Peregrine, Arthur Eddington, Charles Darwin, Geoffrey West, Murray Gell-Mann, Charles Bennett, David Deutsch, Alan Turing, Trent McConaghy, Joshua Grochow, Werner Heisenberg, Seth Lloyd, Jessica Flack, Bryan Daniels, Eddie Lee, Facebook, Dan Rockmore, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, John Holland, Simm City, Minecraft, Frances Arnold, James Webb Space Telescope

Keywords this Episode:
Jim Rutt, David Krakauer, audio, podcast, interview, complexity, complex systems, evolution, evolution of intelligence, adaptive phenomenon, scaling theory, network theory, genetic algorithms, nonlinear dynamics, celestial mathematics, chaos studies, reductionism, emergence, Rule 120, causality, top-down causality, billiard ball causality, complex causality, machine learning, energy flux, single-cause systems, time, nature of time, arrow of time, entropy, selection, Red Queen dynamic, symmetries, encoded contingencies, energetics, information science, information transfer, computation, evolutionary computing, algorithm, Kolmogorov Complexity, Turing Machines, halting problem, theory of circuits, prediction, knowledge, artificial intelligence, AI, artificial general intelligence, AGI, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, rule systems, God algorithm, quantum systems, policing, enforcement, robustness, consensus-generating mechanisms, trust, corruption, blockchain, crypto-currency, biomimickry, constitution, meme, memetic, effusive memetics, adaptation, network theory, evolutionary algorithms, quantum computation, prediction markets, climate science, climate models, Fermi Paradox


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