Small Engine Repair - CotC Episode 26

Small Engine Repair - CotC Episode 26

Coles on the Coast Podcast

Small engine repair


How did you get started doing small engine repair?

Charlie started working with his uncle as a young teen. He worked with him part time on the weekends


What are the most important things to consider when owning a small engine?

-A good place to store it.

-plan for maintaining it, how easy is it to reach items to maintain?

-can you get/store fuel for it?


What goes wrong most often on small engines?

-Bad gas

- could be bad stablizer


What should I do if I have a no start situation? What's my first course of action?

Look at the spark plug, and look at gas- drain tank and the carburetor and put in new gas then it should start


When it comes to maintenance what is most important?

-Make sure the carburetor is easily accessable

-Check the ease of use of change the blades/string?

-Do not let your engine run out of oil-especially true for mowers-check every time you use the machine.

-Install Fuel shut off switch


How often will I need to count on changing the blades?



When I'm going to maintain my own equipment, what are the most important tools that I would need?

-a good socket set with both in and millimeter sets

-Dewalt driver set/screwdriver

-for handheld appliances theres carburetor adjustment tools


to help unbolt

-adjustable wrench

-Ballistol, gibbs, Penetrating oil


What should I do when I'm done for the season and I'm putting my mower up for the winter?

-Drain the carborator

-Shut off the fuel shut off switch

-Sharpen the blades

clean it

oil it all up

Use a stabilizer for gas


Don't buy $2,000 Homedepot mowers, chose a dealer that can help you



The perfect gift 10mm socket


Switch to the Fountain App