2210: How to Speak Your Mind Without Making Someone Else Wrong by Carolyn Hidalgo with Tiny Buddha on Mental Freedom

2210: How to Speak Your Mind Without Making Someone Else Wrong by Carolyn Hidalgo with Tiny Buddha on Mental Freedom

Optimal Relationships Daily

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Episode 2210:
Carolyn Hidalgo explores the delicate balance of expressing one's true feelings without imposing on others. She shares her journey from living by others' expectations to finding her authentic voice, emphasizing the importance of communicating from a place of love and curiosity to maintain open and respectful relationships.
Read along with the original article(s) here: https://tinybuddha.com/blog/how-to-speak-your-mind-without-making-someone-else-wrong/
Quotes to ponder:
"Would you rather be right or free?"
"The social mask forms the moment we’re born and we hear our first words."
"Out beyond ideas of right and wrong there is a field. I will meet you there."
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