#1021 - Can You Work Smart Without Working Hard First?

#1021 - Can You Work Smart Without Working Hard First?

Next Level University

We were taught that working hard can help us achieve our dreams and aspirations. How about working smart though? Wouldn’t that be better than working hard? In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros discuss which path you should take to achieve your dreams. The idea that you should work smarter and not harder isn’t anything new. The question is, can you do one without the other?


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Show notes:
[2:00] Until you work hard, there’s no necessity to work smart
[7:02] Working hard creates discomfort, which creates working smart
[15:28] Helen Baker shares her experience with Alan Lazaros as her business coach
[16:42] Hard work provides an opportunity to work smarter
[24:57] 7th group coaching starts July 12, 2022: https://nextleveluniverse.com/group-coaching/
[25:56] Reach out to Alan for Next Level Business Coaching: https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/next-level-business-solutions/
[28:02] Outro

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