Foam rollers, massage guns, massage balls, massage sticks, massage canes, and MORE! What do these self-massage tools actually do for your muscles? When should you be using what? And how can you best leverage these items in your routine? Here to provide you with a triathlete's guide to massage tools are two experts: Craig Di-Giovanni, one of the original founders of Medi-Dyne Healthcare Products, and Physical Therapist Dr. B.J. Leeper. Learn why helping your muscles recover from sessions is so important, and then how to choose and use the best products for your recovery.
We’ve been raving about 2Toms Sport Shield and Blister Shield that have been literally saving our skin when we train. Well Medi-Dyne, the folks behind the brilliant 2Toms line also offer top notch recovery and mobility training devices. Their ProStretch-Addaday line up of recovery tools has been trusted by physical therapists, trainers, athletes, and regular exercisers for over 25 years. Check out the ProStretch-Addaday product line at and use promo code TRIDOT to get 20 Percent off your order.
Join the TriDot Crew at CLASH Daytona in December! Use code TRIDOTDAYTONA for 10% off any event! Register now at