The Hipster Grifter Speaks: Kari Ferrell on Scamming & Redemption

The Hipster Grifter Speaks: Kari Ferrell on Scamming & Redemption

The Sam Sanders Show

Kari Ferrell became a viral sensation in 2009 after her small time cons gained international attention. She was living in Brooklyn, working at Vice News when she was exposed and dubbed “The Hipster Grifter.” Sam chats with Kari about what led her to become a scammer, why the media became so obsessed and her road to redemption. Kari Ferrell’s new memoir You'll Never Believe Me: A Life of Lies, Second Tries, and Things I Should Only Tell My Therapist is out now. 

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The Sam Sanders Show is a production of KCRW and Sam Sanders Productions.


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