₿HS031: Homeschooling in India with Vikas and Chhaya

₿HS031: Homeschooling in India with Vikas and Chhaya

Bitcoin Homeschoolers


Learn about homeschooling in India.  Vikas and Chhaya Yadav let their son make decisions, including whether to homeschool and to choose subjects he is most interested in.  It’s a customized curriculum at a customized speed.  They allow him to follow his natural talents and interests versus prescribed subjects and pursuit of highest paid professions.  


  • Homeschooling is legal in India but students still need to take mandatory exams
  • Vikas and Chhaya’s approach is to let their son follow his curiosity
  • They let their son decide whether to continue homeschooling or public schooling
  • Letting kids make mistakes or have to admit they do not know something
  • They leverage multiple resources, e.g., Kahn Academy
  • They spent some time in Peru, where the education culture is more western and very different from Asia culture
  • Identity politics are a global problem, India has similar trends that the US has in terms of work environments that were once meritocracies but now have discrimination, everyone is now categorized by their religion or caste
  • In India, mandatory exams fundamentally impact kids’ futures so tremendous energy and time is focused on preparing for taking exams
  • With homeschooling, you have a 1:1 student to teacher ratio versus 30:1 or 50:1 in public schools
  • Teaching through story is powerful, one of the examples they used was reading “The Martian” with their son
  • Public school students are not confident of what they want but are still expected to make a decision what to pursue in college, but nature is designed for us to be flexible, for us to change our decisions
  • Following natural talents and interests versus prescribed subjects and pursuit of highest paid professions, the latter leads people to jobs they dislike and perform poorly in
  • Now is the time to try homeschooling, you can always go back to state schools
  • Best teacher we can be is to be ourselves to our children


  • “The Martian” by Andy Weir
  • Homeschooling group, swashikshan.
  • Another organization, Shikshantar. They have a university with no curriculum. 
  • Annual LSUC (Learning Societies Unconference) is much larger than just home schooling
  • Vikas’ website, https://thevikas.com/


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Free Market Kids' games including HODL UP at https://www.freemarketkids.com  


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The intro/extro music is from TipNZ.  Tip educates through her music, exploring the Bitcoin universe with visual storytelling, sick beats & profound lyrics.  https://www.tipnz.com/

Crazy awesome Collector’s Edition of HODL UP is available at https://www.freemarketkids.com/products/hodl-up-2024-halving-limited-edition

Visit our “Free Market Kids“ for products like the Bitcoin mining game, HODL UP  https://www.freemarketkids.com,

Check out Tali’s podcast by and for Bitcoin women, “Orange Hatter” https://www.orangehatter.com  

Have fun with “Proof of Work Apparel” https://www.freemarketkids.com/collections/proof-of-work-apparel


Article "Homeschoolers Are Bitcoiners Who Don't Know It Yet" https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/parallels-between-homeschool-and-bitcoin

Tali’s “Quick Start” checklist  https://www.freemarketkids.com/blogs/i-want-to-start-homeschooling/i-want-to-start-homeschooling-quick-start-checklist


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