Drilling Down to the Narrative

Drilling Down to the Narrative

Taskmaster: The People's Podcast

Wrap up your Zoom call and set your Slack to 'busy' for the next 30 minutes, it's time for another episode of Taskmaster: The People's podcast.

Weeee're back! Jack's had a baby! Lou's published a book! A fan has used AI to generate a new jingle for the podcast! It's all good stuff coming out of TMPP HQ this week, even if some news feels a little bit like it could be a prank from Ed.

Plus the stats are back as Jack grapples with the advantages and disadvantages of 'drilling down to the narrative.'

If you want to share your Taskmaster obsession, whether it's talking about your favourite task, or a goof, a bloop, or even a floop that you've noticed while rewatching series 1 through 15th for the hundredth time and patiently waiting for series 16 to begin, then please do send us an email at the address below. Your time starts... NOW!

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Taskmaster the Podcast is Produced by Christine Macdonald for Avalon Television


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