Often, we make impulsive decisions based on our immediate emotions without giving them much thought. This can be a result of our surroundings or the people we are with that influence us positively. However, such decisions can lead to regrets later on, as our emotions are temporary and not always rational. Today hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros talk about making decisions based on the emotion we feel at that moment and why we humans do it all the time. It can be challenging to control our emotions, especially when they are intense, but it is crucial to recognize that we don't always have to react to them immediately. Taking a moment to calm down and reflect on our options can help us make more informed and rational decisions. So, it's essential to be mindful of our emotions and not let them dictate our actions.
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Show notes:
[1:32] We often take a short-term emotion and expect long-term results
[4:37] Emotions are sometimes useful and sometimes inaccurate
[6:01] It’s Eddie, founder of the Your World Within, sharing his experience working with Alan Lazaros under Next Level Business Solutions
[9:31] We tend to step off the gas when we feel good
[14:06] Outro