Segment #1: Raiders Mid-Preseason Assessment
We didn't do a postgame podcast after the Raiders first preseason game with the Arizona Cardinals, so in this show we'll recap that game as well as the second preseason game vs the Green Bay Packers. It's only preseason, but Raider Greg has some concerns, and so does the voice of the Raiders Greg Papa, and we'll hear some comments he made in that regard from his Afternoon Delight radio show on 95.7 The Game.
Segment #2: Tennessee Titans @ Oakland Raiders Preseason Game #3 - Pregame Thoughts
The third game of the preseason is supposed to be the preseason game most like a regular season game, complete with game planning. But the Raiders will be playing the Titans, who they play in game three of the regular season. Regardless, Raider Greg wants to see what the Raiders can do, even if it gives something away to the Titans.
Segment #3: Raider Nation “Boneline” Call-in Segment
This week’s callers:
01. The Reckless Raider
02. Raider Cory in Kansas
03. Raider Jesse James
04. Raider Mystic
05. Houston Raider Steve
06. The Stoned Raider
07. Raider Red from Southern Illinois
08. ObiWan Raider
09. Raider Malik from Tucson
10. Valley Raider from Delano, California
11. The 360 Raider from Bellingham, Washington
12. The Mad Stork from Sacramento
13. Raider Brae from LA
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Music credit: The Raiders by Sam Spence; Back in Black by AC-DC; Going Down For Real by Flo Rida; Big Time by Peter Gabriel; The Autumn Wind by NFL Films; Bad to the Bone by George Thorogood.
Available in the iTunes store.
Running time - 1:18:48