Have you ever wanted to do something you’ve never done before or meet and talk to someone, but your lack of self-confidence is holding you back? Ever scrolled through social media and wished you were as confident as the people you see there? Well, this episode is for you. In this week’s live podcast, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros share how you can get your confidence to the next level and enable you to do the things you couldn’t because you were insecure. The moment you decide to work on yourself, you will no longer have to fake it because you will exude it.
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Show notes:
[2:16] Awareness
[4:27] What has made the most significant difference for Kevin in terms of confidence?
[8:07] Your belief measures your level of confidence in your ability to achieve the desired outcome
[14:11] Fear-chasing
[18:42] Other people are not nearly as confident as you think they are
[21:24] Here’s a sweet message from Jennifer Hurvitz, the host of Doing Relationships Right podcast
[22:00] Stop consuming content that makes you feel bad
[24:45] Keep the small daily promises you make to yourself
[28:04] You have to have a short memory
[32:45] The importance of context
[35:37] Identify and design your life around your genius zone
[40:06] Some confidence is built on the awareness that you might not have yet
[42:34] Outro