In the quest for personal and professional success, the power of language often needs to be recognized. Yet, the words we choose to define our intentions and actions can shape our reality. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros delve deep into this phenomenon, exploring how selected words can catalyze transformation and achievement. Let the power of language be the compass that navigates you toward a future filled with achievements, relationships enriched by clear communication, and personal growth that knows no bounds. The words you choose are the seeds from which your success in 2024 will flourish.
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Show notes:
(1:44) Looking back
(3:54) Helpful exercise
(6:03) Crafting lexicons for achievement and progress
(10:38) Nathan expresses his appreciation for the invaluable coaching services he received from Alan.
(11:13) The three words
(15:27) Self-awareness and strategic approach
(17:02) Learn and grow from it
(18:50) Choose your words wisely
(20:28) Keep it specific
(21:57) Outro