#348 - Is Your Environment Set Up For Success?

#348 - Is Your Environment Set Up For Success?

Next Level University

#348 - Is Your Environment Set Up For Success?

In this episode  We take a look at how your environment can greatly affect your road to success. No matter where you are, who you are with, and what situation you are in, you have the opportunity to take control. And we will share with you some great tidbits on how you can do just that. So stay tuned.

Today’s Highlights:

  • Why are we doing this episode? [00:32]
  • "If you want to stop watching TV, unplug it and put it in the closet." - Atomic Habits [1:39]
  • Your commitment is important for success [3:00]
  • You decide on the systems that you put in place for your environment [4:33]
  • Communication is the key [7:00]
  • Work smarter, not harder [9:07]
  • Now more than ever, you need to take control of your environment [11:57]
  • Profitability is a byproduct of your productivity [14:13]
  • Negatives can be exponential [15:38]
  • Every little thing moves the needle [17:15]
  • Want success? Check out Kevin's courses [18:44]
  • Join #HyperConsciousNation to connect with other like-minded people [19:42]

Don’t forget to check out The Hyper Conscious Podcast to learn more about the podcast and our other programs. Also, the best community to be part of right now is also on that link. Give it a try! See you in the next episode of The Hyper Conscious Podcast.

FEEL FREE to  reach out to us for any reason on LinkedIn, Instagram or via email 


Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/?hl=en

Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/?hl=en


Kevin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-palmieri-5b7736160/

Alan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Hyper-Conscious-Podcast-106871136824274/




Kevin's Online Training Courses: https://the-hyper-conscious-podcast.teachable.com/

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