#Host2Host Ep. – “Living Like the Future Matters” with Donna Maltz (@Soil2Soulutions)

#Host2Host Ep. – “Living Like the Future Matters” with Donna Maltz (@Soil2Soulutions)

Going North Podcast

“Knowledge fertilizes the mind to think and create.” – Donna Maltz

Today’s bonus featured bookcaster is Soil to Soul Entrepreneur, speaker, wellness & business Coach, and Lover of Life, Dona Maltz aka Mama Donna. Donna comes back for round two to chat with yours truly about the soil-to-soul principles, why we need to focus on living more in harmony with nature, and more!!


Key Things You’ll Learn:

How she combined her love of nature with entrepreneurship

What major setback helped her to gain more success

Why having mentors is a necessity



Donna’s Site: https://www.donnamaltz.com/

Donna’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/kindle-dbs/entity/author/B083LLGZ1G?_encoding=UTF8&node=2656022011&offset=0&pageSize=12&searchAlias=stripbooks&sort=author-sidecar-rank&page=1&langFilter=default#formatSelectorHeader

Donna’s Show, “A Dose of Positivity”: https://youtu.be/1L1IW1Rmy80


The opening track of this episode is titled “Light Wind” by MadXRuler. Click the following link to hear the full track and financially support the artist. https://madxruler.bandcamp.com/track/light-wind


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Going North Podcast • #Host2Host Ep. – “Living Like the Future Matters” with Donna Maltz (@Soil2Soulutions) • Listen on Fountain