Mark Allen: Why the GOAT Chose the DOT

Mark Allen: Why the GOAT Chose the DOT

The TriDot Triathlon Podcast

Today’s episode features Mark Allen, ESPN’s Greatest Endurance Athlete of All Time, a legendary triathlon coach, and the NEWEST MEMBER of the TriDot Family! You’ll hear from Mark himself how he ascended to the top of the sport, conquered his demons through a shift in mindset, and won the 1989 IRONMAN World Championship in an epic duel known as “Iron War.” Hear why Mark chose TriDot to write the next chapter of his coaching legacy, and how athletes win when you combine the power of TriDot with the wisdom and experience of the GOAT.

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The TriDot Triathlon Podcast • Mark Allen: Why the GOAT Chose the DOT • Listen on Fountain