EP70 Art Brock & Ferananda Ibarra on Currencies

EP70 Art Brock & Ferananda Ibarra on Currencies

The Jim Rutt Show

Art Brock & Ferananda Ibarra talk with Jim about the dynamics of currencies as seen in education, culture, reputation, relationships, markets, and much more...

Art Brock & Ferananda Ibarra talk with Jim about the dynamics & characteristics of currencies, credentials, competence, reputation, the broad range of non-monetary currencies, relational-backed social currency, pros & cons of scarcity & measuring, time banks, how mutual credit systems work, financial collapses, fiat currency, speculative vs resource-backed markets, currency plurality, designing currencies, non-numeric currency, amazon ratings, and more.

Episode Transcript

Mentions & Recommendations

JRS: EP56 Art Brock on Holo Tech
Commons Engine
JustOne Organics
Jim's Talk on Dividend Money

Arthur Brock is the Chief Architect of Holochain and spends his time building targeted currencies which shape the social dynamics of our emerging post-industrial economy. He has created more than a hundred designs for multi-currency systems and his software company has built and deployed dozens of those systems.

Ferananda Ibarra’s works focuses on Organizational Development (Teal, Deliberately Developmental Organizations, Self-management, Distributed and P2P philosophies and applications), Collective Intelligence and Regenerative Economies (very focused in currency design and implementation).

She is a Co-Founder of Holochain, the Chief-Harmony Officer (CHO) in Unified Field Corporation for the brand JustOne Organics, and Co-Director of CommonsEngine.org.


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