#1558 - Who Is The Person You Feel Safest Around?

#1558 - Who Is The Person You Feel Safest Around?

Next Level University

In personal development and emotional well-being, vulnerability often carries an unjust stigma. It is mistakenly equated with weakness when, in truth, it's a profound source of strength and a catalyst for growth. In this episode, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros discuss building support networks before life's inevitable storms. This discourse encourages everyone to introspect and take stock of the people and spaces surrounding us. Are they conduits for your growth and vulnerability? Do they serve as your emotional umbrellas? The conversations we share in this episode are more than mere discussions; they are life lessons, reminders, and guideposts for anyone looking to embrace the full spectrum of human emotion and connection.

Links mentioned:
To learn more about group coaching, https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/group-coaching/
Discount Code: NLULISTENER
Next Level U Book Club - https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/next-level-book-club/


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Instagram 📷
Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/
Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/

Show notes:
(1:27) The power of community growth
(3:55) Vulnerable support network
(5:23) Therapeutic approach
(10:26) Find that safe space
(12:19) Sting of cultural shackles
(13:44) Tim credits Alan's guidance and the Next Level Business Solutions for the transformative impact on his business.
(14:41) V.C.H.
(16:28) Somebody has to start and sail away from toxic
(18:57) Insecurity blocks vulnerability
(20:38) Shrink to grow
(22:45) The right people around you
(28:15) Outro

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