#509 - Is Your Heart Hurting Your Wallet?

#509 - Is Your Heart Hurting Your Wallet?

Next Level University

“Get out of your comfort zone and look for the money.”

Whatever advice we give in today’s episode, understand that it’s coming from a good place and that we too have been there. At some point, you are going to evolve and you are going to give more to your clients than you did a few months back. One of these days, you’ll realize that you need to start charging more in order for you to be efficient, to succeed, to sustain the business, and of course, to expand and help more people. We want you to dial in and check where you’re really at.

We love connecting with you guys! Reach out on LinkedIn, Instagram, or via email 

Website: http://www.nextleveluniverse.com/


Kevin: https://www.instagram.com/neverquitkid/?hl=en
Alan: https://www.instagram.com/alazaros88/?hl=en


Kevin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-palmieri-5b7736160/
Alan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alanlazarosllc/




Show notes:
[0:00] Intro
[1:37] Here’s why we are talking about this
[5:18] Refocus your help: diving deeper
[7:20] The dangers of giving too big of a discount on services you offer
[8:09] The two extremes
[10:29] Do you want to level up in life, love, and wealth? Join our private Facebook group #NextLevelNation
[11:11] Let’s figure out where you’re really at
[15:28] Remember: at the end of the day, you have bills to pay
[16:21] Selfish vs. self-less
[20:24] Are you looking to start a podcast or a business? Join Kevin or Alan for a 1-hour consultation call
[21:55] Join the Next Level Mastermind every Monday, 6 PM EST and get around next level people
[23:09] Outro


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