We all grapple with finding balance—life swings between moments of taking on too much and feeling like we’re falling short. Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros dive into this common struggle in this episode. They share personal stories practical tips, and introduce the ‘drive to five’—a clever way to find that sweet spot between two ends of the spectrum. Tune in and discover how to navigate life’s ups and downs gracefully and purposefully.
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Show notes:
(2:38) Swing and miss
(5:05) To the center
(6:55) Life is a constant experiment
(11:34) The feeling of survival mode
(14:38) Overwhelm, growth through experience, and the pain of failure
(19:58) At NLU, we want you to win! So, we’re giving tools and resources to ensure your success. Join our Monthly Meet-up every first Thursday of the month at 6 PM. https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/monthly-meetups/
(21:01) Chosen overwhelm
(23:25) Circumstances matter, and the importance of minimum
(26:51) Success and struggle
(29:16) The more confident you get, the more you need humility
(35:51) Outro