037. No Holds Barred w/ Special Guest: Rapha Zagury (Alpha Zeta), CIO - Swan, State of the Network, Tangents, Home Miner of the Week

037. No Holds Barred w/ Special Guest: Rapha Zagury (Alpha Zeta), CIO - Swan, State of the Network, Tangents, Home Miner of the Week

POD256 | Bitcoin Mining News & Analysis

Date: February 21, 2024

State of the Network: 

Block Height: 831444

According to our friends at newhedge.io: Bitcoin difficulty is 81.7 Trillion and set to decrease ~5% at the conclusion of epoch 412 which just might land on February 29th, possibly making it the only difficulty adjustment to land on a leap-year day in Bitcoin’s history

Looking at mempool.space: Hashrate is currently estimated to be 569Eh on the 14-day MA

Heading over to insights.braiins.com: Hashvalue is currently 160sats/TH/day

Days until the Halving: 57 days according to https://www.coinwarz.com/mining/bitcoin/halving

Stream Sats, Point Hash:

  • Pick any Lincoin URL

  • Then use "pod256.YourAlias" as the worker name.

Shout out to: Blizzabler, the_80085_petahash_bitaxe, slap_my_bitaxe_and_tell_me_you_love_me, bitaxewannabejustans17pro, hodl_pins_dot_com_yooper_and_son_iykyk, hooters, bitaxe_is_fun, bitaxeswimmingking, no name, knockers, midgetshavingsexnexttoyourbitaxe, and last but not least 818_reposado_tequilla_on_iceso_smooth_yooper for supporting the podcast with their hashrate

Special Guest: Rapha Zagury (Alpha Zeta), CIO - Swan

Questions from Twitter:


  • From Rob W.: Can they disaggregate the total EH into hosting/operating and other business arrangements? Big EH hosted on one or many sites is VERY different self mining on one or multiple sites.  Also, out of all of that EH, how much do they keep? https://twitter.com/BikesandBitcoin/status/1760145986117116018

  • From Adam Anderson: How do you think about jurisdiction risk and geographic diversification? Which energy sources form the majority of your electricity inputs? Any aspirations to shift or optimize these allocations or sources going forward? https://twitter.com/bc1984adam/status/1760146314711445990

Home Miner of the Week:

Rod @bitkite on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bitkite

Econoalchemist on Twitter: https://twitter.com/econoalchemist

Rod @bitkite on nostr: npub1atn7mlwt08erz4ap47gef92xfey65a4z9ed9vec53u5kc9v94pusl6h4x3

Econoalchemist on nostr: npub10m6lrv2kaf08a8um0plhj5dj6yqlw7qxzeag6393z352zrs0e5nsr2tff3

Bitcoin Park on Twitter: https://twitter.com/bitcoinpark_

POD256 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/pod256


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POD256 | Bitcoin Mining News & Analysis • 037. No Holds Barred w/ Special Guest: Rapha Zagury (Alpha Zeta), CIO - Swan, State of the Network, Tangents, Home Miner of the Week • Listen on Fountain