#1114 -  Are You Afraid Of Your Own Greatness? - Live Podcast

#1114 - Are You Afraid Of Your Own Greatness? - Live Podcast

Next Level University

The Jonah Complex – the fear of success that prevents self-actualization or the realization of one’s potential. In this week’s live podcast, hosts Kevin Palmieri and Alan Lazaros deeply dive into the concept of fearing one’s greatness and why people have it. Everyone has a voice inside them that tells them they can be someone great. However, most of us would rather join the crowd, abide by social norms, and lose our individualities than dare to become the odd ones out.

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Show notes:
[1:19] More people are afraid of their own greatness
[5:23] Why do people fear their own greatness?
[8:08] What do people do or not do that sabotage their long-term success?
[12:42] 8th group coaching starts October 4, 2022. To learn more about group coaching: https://nextleveluniverse.com/group-coaching/
[14:08] When you have a lot of self-belief, you’ll always be unrelatable
[20:08] What would have happened if Alan didn’t lean into his greatness?
[25:07] Check in with “why”
[26:26] 8th group coaching starts October 4, 2022, don’t miss it!
[27:09] Join Next Level U Book Club - https://www.nextleveluniverse.com/next-level-book-club/
[28:12] Outro

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